Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Botswana |

World Health Organization (WHO) works with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to build Risk Communication & Community Engagement capacity for Botswana

The draft Psychological First Aid SOPs were updated and used to orient and capacitate participants particularly for emergencies

A total of 92 Health Promotion professionals from 27 districts and MoH headquarters have been trained on emergencies preparedness and response. The training was a result of findings from support visits to 12 districts to assess Risk Communication & Community Engagement (RCCE) capacity and experiences during and after COVID-19. The…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Botswana |

Enhanced safe systems approach reduces road casualties in Botswana

An encouraging trend has emerged with reductions overall since 2022

Botswana has been losing 400 people on average annually due to road crashes.  However, the trend has been going down since the enhancement and improved implementation of the safe systems approach in the last 3 years.  New roadworks now incorporates improved pedestrian walkways and cycling lanes to improve safety and…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Botswana |

Botswana undertakes Health Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment: A move towards a resilient health system on impacts of climate change

The assessment examined direct effects, environmentally mediated impacts, and socially mediated influences using available data

The Government of Botswana conducted a Climate Change Health Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in selected districts to identify high-risk areas and vulnerable populations affected by climate change. The objective was to strengthen the country’s health sector to effectively and efficiently respond to climate-related impacts. The assessment report, based on climate…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Botswana |

Botswana: Strengthening Leprosy Elimination Efforts in Ngami and Okavango Districts

As part of the mission, field visits were conducted in Okavango and Ngami districts to trace contacts of previously diagnosed leprosy patients

Botswana has made remarkable strides in leprosy elimination, with zero new autochthonous cases reported for consecutive years. However, continued efforts are essential to maintain this success and address sporadic cases. The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH), recently intensified post-elimination efforts in Ngami and…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Botswana |

Promoting Excellence in Healthcare: Botswana launches National Laboratory Strategic Plan

It aims to modernize and upgrade laboratory infrastructure to better standards, ensuring the safe and efficient handling of samples

The Ministry of Health, WHO, and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched the National Laboratory Strategic Plan for Botswana. The Strategic Plan holds the promise of numerous benefits for the country. It aims to modernize and upgrade laboratory infrastructure to better standards, ensuring the safe and efficient…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Botswana |

Botswana’s investment in primary health care enhances access and quality of health care in the country

By allocating a significant portion of its budget to healthcare infrastructure, Botswana has established a robust network of clinics, hospitals, and medical facilities nationwide

During his official visit to Botswana to attend the 73rd Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus visited the Julia Molefhe Clinic in Gaborone, Botswana. This visit was part of his broader mission to assess and appreciate healthcare systems and initiatives Botswana has made…

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