Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Alarmed by Wave of Arbitrary Arrests Across Libya

The Mission renews its call for the immediate release of all arbitrarily detained individuals and to hold those responsible accountable

UNSMIL is alarmed by the wave of arbitrary arrest and detentions across Libya by law enforcement and security actors. These actors are using their powers of arrest and detention to target individuals for their alleged political affiliations, to silence perceived dissent and to undermine judicial independence. These unlawful practices create…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

Youth from Al Ajilat, Sabratha, Zawia and Jadida come together to discuss ways to reduce community violence

The participants discussed how young lives were being lost, families and communities were being affected, and interventions from the state and local leaders were crucial to prevent further conflict

In a workshop and iftar organized by UNSMIL, thirty-eight youth from, Al Ajilat, Zawiya, Sabratha and Jadida, joined officials from the Ministries of Youth, Labour and the Mission to share experiences and discuss ways to reduce community violence last Wednesday.  As part of UNSMIL’s youth strategy – YouEngage – and…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

Libyan youth call for political stability, accountability and economic reforms

The participants, including 10 women and 19 men, overwhelmingly emphasized the necessity of political stability as a fundamental requirement for economic recovery

Twenty-nine young men and women from across Libya joined UNSMIL’s economic experts in person and online in workshops to discuss the challenges facing Libya’s economy and share their ideas for overcoming them.   The participants, including 10 women and 19 men, overwhelmingly emphasized the necessity of political stability as a fundamental…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Hanna S. Tetteh statement on International Women's Day: Advancing women’s meaningful participation at all levels is crucial for lasting peace in Libya

UNSMIL calls upon all relevant Libyan stakeholders to take decisive actions in advancing the status of women and girls, ensuring their rights and giving them equal opportunities

Libyan women have a long history of significant and inspiring achievements and contributions to society across the length and breadth of this diverse and beautiful country. Today, they continue to drive progress, lead their communities, participate in governance and stand for election despite many challenges and more importantly build their…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

Concrete steps agreed as part of border security coordination between military and security institutions in Libya

Members of the Joint Technical Coordination Team (JTCT) for Border Security participated in a two-day coordination meeting, facilitated by UNSMIL in Tunis

Representatives of the military and security institutions in the East and West, including two military and police female officers, responsible for border security, counterterrorism and addressing irregular migration agreed on Wednesday 26 February to form a specialized study center tasked with conducting specialized studies on border security areas. Members of…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

Libya: The Advisory Committee concludes its first meeting and agrees on rules of procedure

They also held a structured discussion on the main contentious issues within the existing electoral framework

Facilitated by UNSMIL, the Advisory Committee concluded its inaugural two-day meeting in Tripoli. Participants engaged in productive discussions on the committee's rules of procedures and workplan including plans for the second meeting next week. They also held a structured discussion on the main contentious issues within the existing electoral framework.…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

The Advisory Committee holds its first meeting, convened by United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL)

This Committee will generate technically sound and politically viable proposals to address contentious issues in the electoral framework

The Advisory Committee (AC) launched its work today with an inaugural meeting at the Headquarters of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) in Tripoli. Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) Stephanie Koury welcomed the members and highlighted the AC's key role as part of the inclusive, intra-Libyan…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) announces the establishment of the Advisory Committee

The role of the Advisory Committee will be developing technically sound and politically viable proposals for resolving outstanding contentious issues to enable the holding of elections

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Advisory Committee, as part of its multi-track political initiative announced to the Security Council on 16 December 2024.  The role of the Advisory Committee will be developing technically sound and politically viable proposals for…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

Libyan border security institutions agree to establish a joint centre for communication and information to counter terrorism and irregular migration

The joint centre will include representatives from all military and security institutions mandated to secure Libya’s borders, including those working on counter terrorism and irregular migration

The joint technical coordination team composed of the Eastern and Western military and security institutions agreed Thursday on a project to establish a joint centre for communication and information exchange to support institutions securing Libya’s borders, combating terrorism, and irregular migration.  Representatives of the co-chairs of the Security Working Group…

Source: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) |

Libyan youth call for sustainability of the ceasefire agreement and inclusion in state building

The participants stressed the need to repatriate mercenaries, foreign fighters and foreign forces to their home countries

Twenty-five young men and women joined UNSMIL’s team in Tripoli in a workshop to promote the Ceasefire Agreement and its full implementation including the withdrawal of the mercenaries and foreign fighters. They have expressed concerns over weapons proliferation, and the effects of this on their communities.  Facilitated by the Deputy…

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