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    • Jane Mulewa is a fistula awareness champion helping women and girls in Kitise village, Makueni County access information and care
    • UNFPA Representative Anders Thomsen presents​​​​​​a dignity kit during the fistula treatment camp at Makueni County Referral Hospital
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Source: UNFPA Kenya |

Kenya: After 42 years of isolation, Fistula Survivor Jane Mulewa finds hope and purpose in raising awareness

With support from the UNFPA Maternal and Newborn Health Thematic Fund, thousands of women and girls have been able to access free fistula screening and treatment in Kenya

Jane Mulewa Mwale 89, is a proud mother of 10 and a grandmother to many. For the last 42 years, her life has been marred with shame and isolation, as a result of living with obstetric fistula, a hole between the birth canal and bladder and/or rectum. “I delivered all…

Source: UNFPA Kenya |

Empowering Youth Voices for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Youth Advisory Panel

The panel attests to UNFPA's vision and conceptual shift of moving away from working for young people to working in partnership with young people to ensure youth-friendly approaches and actions

The UNFPA Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) is a platform for young people to engage with UNFPA and inform its programming, especially on matters relating to adolescents and youth. It is a demonstration of UNFPA’s commitment to young people’s empowerment. UNFPA YAP consists of young people aged 18-24 years from diverse…