Source: iiDENTIFii |

Will face mapping still recognise you if your features change?

The study found that 99 percent of facial recognition images could still be recognised up to six years later

When it comes to proving your identity online, face ID – also known as face biometrics – is fast becoming one of the most reliable methods of authentication. Why? Because your unique facial features are the most reliable indicator of what makes you, you. When used in conjunction with ‘liveness’…

Source: iiDENTIFii |

The future of digital identity in South Africa (By Gur Geva)

For South Africans to truly embrace and reap the rewards of digital identity, accessibility and security are two critical factors government and other essential service providers must consider

By iiDENTIFii (https://iiDENTIFii.com/) CEO and co-founder Gur Geva.  When it comes to accessing essential services, such as national medical care, grants and the ability to vote in elections to shape national policy, a valid identity document is critical.  In South Africa, undocumented citizens are restricted in their ability to collect social…

Source: iiDENTIFii |

Why South Africa’s networks need to defend against the devastating effect of SIM swap fraud

Operators need to define practical, robust security solutions that adhere to and surpass current telco legislation

Mobile networks must not be complacent about SIM swap fraud and they need to prioritise the protection of customers. This is according to Gur Geva, Founder and CEO of iiDENTIFii (www.iiDENTIFii.com). “Although SABRIC has noted a slight decline in reported SIM swap fraud in its latest report, mobile service providers…

Source: iiDENTIFii |

Is voice biometrics in banking secure enough?

Generative AI voice cloning tools only need a minute of voice data–which is often scraped from social media–to create a result that is almost indistinguishable from the original

Apart from going into a branch, calling a bank feels more human for digital-shy consumers. For many, it is the first port of call for making account changes or moving large sums of money. But how safe is voice banking really, and what are the chances of someone using generative…

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    • Gur Geva, CEO of iiDENTIFii
    • Mitigating bias in identity verification
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Source: iiDENTIFii |

Mitigating bias in identity verification

In 2018, an MIT study found that three commercial facial analysis programmes had a margin of error between 20% and 34% when identifying dark skinned women, compared to 0.8% or lower for light-skinned men

As digital identity verification (IDV) platforms are increasingly adopted across the African continent, any potential bias these platforms have needs to be considered. “Biometric identity continues to have a powerful impact on our continent, from banking to public services and electoral systems,” says Gur Geva, CEO and founder of iiDENTIFii.…

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    • Gur Geva, CEO of iiDENTIFii
    • Mutisunge Zulu, Chief Risk Officer of Zanaco
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Source: iiDENTIFii |

iiDENTIFii and Zanaco Partner to Accelerate Digital Financial Inclusion in Zambia

iiDENTIFii has formed a close partnership with Zanaco to champion an identity solution relevant to the needs of Zambian consumers and citizens

What measures can Zambian financial institutions put in place in a rapidly-changing digital world to enable financial inclusion? This was the key topic under discussion at a recent panel discussion between iiDENTIFii (https://iiDENTIFii.com) and Zanaco (https://www.Zanaco.co.zm) at the Digital Government Africa (DGA) Summit held at Ciela Resort from 4 - 6…

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    • How financial institutions can safeguard against deepfakes
    • Murray Collyer, Chief Operating Officer of iiDENTIFii
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Source: iiDENTIFii |

How financial institutions can safeguard against deepfakes

As the technology to create deepfakes becomes easier and cheaper, the need to guard against these cybercrimes have come to the forefront

In a matter of seconds, it is possible to hold your phone up to your face and see what you will look like in 40 years. Or you could fuse the image of your face with that of a celebrity. You could even record a birthday song for a friend…

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    • Banks have 18 months to impact South Africa’s (SA) greylisting
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Source: iiDENTIFii |

Banks have 18 months to impact South Africa’s (SA) greylisting

Here’s how they can help get the country off the grey list

In January 2025, the global anti-money laundering watchdog, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), will review its decision to greylist South Africa and interrogate the public and private sector measures to address its concerns. The country will need to demonstrate a practical, scalable plan to combat money laundering, fraud and…

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    • Championing an inclusive digital identity approach in Africa – at scale
    • Gur Geva, Founder and CEO of iiDENTIFii
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Source: iiDENTIFii |

Championing an inclusive digital identity approach in Africa – at scale

With a simple, fast and secure approach that takes the full scope of African faces into account, biometrics becomes a compelling catalyst for financial and social inclusion

As digitisation accelerates across Africa, the demand for liveness detection and online identity authentication services has become critical. The act of identifying ourselves is under rapid transformation, especially when it comes to using biometrics to access financial and governmental services. If executed correctly, this offers an opportunity for greater inclusivity…

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    • Voice print attacks are a growing threat due to AI voice cloning
    • Gur Geva, Founder and CEO of iiDENTIFii
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Source: iiDENTIFii |

Artificial Intelligence (AI) scams using voice cloning are the new frontier for fraudsters targeting consumers

According to the Southern African Fraud Prevention Service (SAFPS), impersonation attacks increased by 264% for the first five months of the year compared to 2021

Imagine receiving a call, email or SMS from the authorities urgently requesting payment. The details of the request are clear, professional and include personal information unique to you, so there is no reason to doubt it. This scam is fairly common and the majority of consumers are on the lookout…