Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Sudan: Conflict, access constraints and floods undermine Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) efforts to support agriculture and food security

FAO, with the support of its resource and implementing partners, has distributed almost 3 900 tonnes of vital crop and vegetable seeds to over 400 000 vulnerable households in nine states

The spread of conflict, access challenges and widespread flooding are severely hampering the emergency response efforts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations across the country, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for the Near East and North Africa, AbdulHakim Elwaer, warned. According to the latest Integrated Food…

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Healthy diets remain unaffordable for a third of the world’s population

SOFI 2024 report highlights a cost-hunger trap plaguing some regions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

More than a third of the world’s population could not afford a healthy diet in 2022, and some regions have yet fully to recover from the harms wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an innovative data set published in the 2024 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition…

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Green Climate Fund approves $52 million to support Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)-led project in Malawi

Adaptation and resilience project set to benefit more than half a million people over six years

A $52.3 million project approved today by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) aims to help Malawi cope with the devastating effects of climate change and boost the country's long-term food security. Led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the project is set to benefit nearly 575,000 vulnerable…

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Drought Action Committee set to combat the impacts of El Nino in Zimbabwe

Drought Action Committee (DAC) will be responsible for coordinating all drought response interventions to save lives in the immediate-term and build climate-resilient livelihoods and agrifood systems in the longer-term

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture Water, Fisheries and Rural Development (MLAFWRD) have set up the El Nino Drought Action Committee (DAC) to develop drought mitigation strategies to combat the impacts of El Nino induced…

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) warns of maize shortfall across Southern Africa

Recent weather trends associated with El Niño have decimated harvest prospects and point to rising prices and import needs

Cereal production prospects in Southern Africa have taken a sharp turn for the worse since last February, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) warned today (Monday/Tuesday). The foreseen shortfall in production, especially for maize, is expected to intensify households’ food insecurity, push up domestic prices and spur…

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

In Cameroon, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) supports World Bank-funded project targeting nutrition, early warning systems, resilience and capacity-building for small-scale farmers

Efforts include provision of basic inputs, post-harvest equipment and community infrastructure development

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), QU Dongyu, today signed an agreement to provide FAO’s support to the Government of Cameroon in building the capacity of small-scale farmers in the country’s Eastern Region. The Cameroon Emergency Food Crisis Response Project which is receiving $2.92 million from the…

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Driving efficiency and productivity in Africa’s agriculture sectors requires strategic partnerships, greater investments, and the power of digital technologies

33rd Session of the FAO Regional Ministerial Conference for Africa opens in Morocco

Hunger levels in Africa have increased in the past two years, due to lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing conflicts, the climate crisis and economic shocks, but the continent’s possibilities are vast and optimism about the opportunities that lie ahead is in order, QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food…

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and European Union (EU) launch 15 million euro project to boost sustainability of Uganda’s forestry sector

The initiative focuses on legal wood raw material, enhanced processing capacity and access to finance

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched a 15 million euro ($16.29 million) project funded by the European Union (EU) to help Uganda’s forestry sector contribute more sustainably to the economy and the environment. The five-year Sustainable Wood-Based Value Chains in Uganda initiative, to be…

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

New compendium identifies 100 promising forgotten foods for Africa

FAO and FARA, a continental research forum, launch a publication on underutilized crops that have the potential to provide dietary nutrients to various African communities

Africa is paradoxically reliant on imported food and home to a disproportionate share of the world’s hungry while at the same time boasts the potential to be a global breadbasket and food superpower. Part of realizing that potential depends on tapping the continent’s vast array of food crops, which too…

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Zimbabwe review the food security situation to respond to the El Nino induced drought

Considering that 70 percent of the population is dependent on agriculture for food and income, urgent short and long-term interventions play a key role in averting severe food insecurity and damage to livelihoods

In early 2023, global and regional climate and circulation models predicted the El Nino oceanographic phenomenon for the 2023-2024. Predictions pointed to a high probability of both below-normal precipitation and above-normal temperature. Southern Africa is already battling with the effects of the El Nino induced drought phenomenon and Zimbabwe has…