Source: Delegation of the European Union to Libya |

Statement of the European Union (EU) Delegation and the diplomatic missions of the EU to Libya in support of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on unilateral moves by Libyan actors

The EU reaffirms its steadfast support for the United Nations' efforts to facilitate an inclusive Libyan-led political process

The Delegation of the European Union issues the following statement together with the diplomatic missions of the EU Member States in Libya: The Delegation of the European Union, alongside the diplomatic missions of EU Member States in Libya, join UNSMIL expressing deep concern over the recent unilateral actions taken by…

Source: Delegation of the European Union to Libya |

Joint Statement of the Delegation of the European Union and EU Member States' Diplomatic Missions in Libya on Detained Journalist Ahmed Sanussi

The growing climate of fear and deteriorating civic space highlighted by UNSMIL’s reports demands immediate attention and action from all stakeholders to uphold the rule of law and respect human rights in Libya

The EU and its Member States stand firm in our commitment to defending freedom of expression across the country in Libya and the protection of journalists and media workers. The freedom of media is crucial to democratic transition. We echo UNSMIL's concern about the increasing nationwide trend of arbitrary detention…

Source: Delegation of the European Union to Libya |

The European Union supports urgent health services for Sudanese fleeing the conflict and their host communities in Libya

This emergency intervention, funded by the EU, will last for six months and aims to reach up to 160,000 vulnerable individuals, including displaced people and Libyans alike

Amid a surge in arrivals of Sudanese people fleeing the escalating conflict in Darfur and heading towards Libya, the European Union is allocating Euros 500,000 in humanitarian funding to the World Health Organization (WHO). This funding will be used to provide primary healthcare to the most vulnerable people. Currently, there…