Source: Republic of South Africa: The Parliament |

South Africa: Committee Successfully Launches People-Centred Oversight Mechanism for International Relations in Three Provinces

The committee is optimistic about the success of the people-centred oversight mechanism in achieving its objectives and also ensuring that ordinary people understand the value of trade agreements from an economic-growth opportunities perspective

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, March 28, 2025/APO Group/ --

The Portfolio Committee on International Relations has successfully launched the people-centred oversight mechanism for international relations in Mpumalanga, North West and Gauteng provinces.

The committee Chairperson, Mr Supra Mahumapelo, said the committee has completed the introduction and the first phase of involving the people at local, ward, district and provincial levels for their direct participation in matters related to international relations.

He called on the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to act as a catalyst to ensure that the launches translate into the real involvement of the people in these matters. He said the department will ensure that developments regarding trade and other agreements that are entered into between South Africa and the rest of our trading partners are understood by the people on the ground.

The committee is optimistic about the success of the people-centred oversight mechanism in achieving its objectives and also ensuring that ordinary people understand the value of trade agreements from an economic-growth opportunities perspective and the translation of that into their direct participation in the economy to push back the frontiers of poverty.

The committee is looking forward to seeing this new mechanism becoming a practical means for ordinary South Africans to join their Parliament in meaningful and valuable engagement at the international sphere of its mandate.

The Gauteng leg of the people-centred oversight mechanism for international relations was attended by various organisations and individuals expressing their support. They included the embassies of China and Brazil; the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee of COGTA of the Gauteng Legislature, Mr Mzi Khumalo; the Secretary General of COSATU and the Secretary General of the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa, Mr Zolani Mkiva;the national Chairperson of the South African National Civic Organisation, Mr Skhumbuzo Mpanza; Mr Justice Nkomo of the Congress of South African Trade Unions; Mr Tebogo Matlou of the South African Local Government Association; and representatives of non-governmental organisations andinternational relations students from tertiary education institutions.

The committee will continue with its launches of the programme in the remaining six provinces. “It is in the interest of the committee to ensure that every citizen understands and appreciates the activities undertaken by the executive internationally on behalf of South Africa. Ordinary South Africans should understand the involvement of South Africa in SADC, AU, UN, the Commonwealth, and BRICS among others,” the Chairperson said.

Mr Mahumapelo said this platform should now become a strategic place for education about South Africa’s presidency of the G20. “We are calling on the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to ensure that South Africans have a better understanding of South Africa’s G20 presidency,” Mr Mahumapelo said.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Republic of South Africa: The Parliament.

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