Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Entrenching person-centred life-stages care to advance the right to health in Sierra Leone

Government aims to accelerate progress towards its ambitious 2030 goal, which is that all people in Sierra Leone will have equitable access to quality and affordable health services without any undue financial hardship

Twenty-five-year-old Yainkain Sesay is expecting her first child. Before her first antenatal visit to King Harman Maternity and Child Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital city, she was anxious. “When I visited the hospital before I was pregnant, it was hard because I couldn't afford to pay for all the…

Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Strengthening Global Health Security: Sierra Leone Prepares State Party Annual Report (SPAR) on International Health Regulations

The International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) serve as a binding agreement among 196 countries, including all WHO Member States, to fortify collective efforts in safeguarding global health

The Ministry of Health (MoH) with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners, convened a two-day multi-sectorial workshop in Freetown from February 13 to 14, 2024. The purpose was to prepare the 2023 International Health Regulations (IHR) State Party Annual Report (SPAR), marking another stride in strengthening…

Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Nationwide Rollout of the Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) Mass Distribution Campaign in Sierra Leone

The training sessions are being jointly facilitated by WHO, CRS, ICT4D and the National Malaria Control Programme at the Family Kingdom in Freetown

After a successful pilot phase of the Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) mass distribution pilot campaign in Bo district in November 2023, the MoH with support from WHO and other partners has initiated a nationwide rollout in the remaining 15 districts with a comprehensive four-day training program for 93 Independent Monitors…

Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Sierra Leone Launches National Public Health Agency to Strengthen Healthcare Infrastructure

The launch of the NPHA signifies a critical advancement for Sierra Leone in organizing and coordinating public health expertise and systems

Sierra Leone has taken a significant stride in strengthening its public health infrastructure with the unveiling of the National Public Health Agency (NPHA). This pivotal initiative, launched on December 14, 2023, by H.E. President Brigadier Rtd Dr. Julius Maada Bio, reflects the government's resolute commitment to enhance the well-being of…

Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Briefing Meeting with the United Nations Resident Coordinator on the Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) Scoping Mission 2023

This mission's primary objective is to bolster health security and emergency capacity for the successful implementation of the Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) initiatives within the country

The WHO Country Representative, Innocent Bright Nuwagira, led a team from AFRO and Africa CDC to brief Babatunde Ahonsi, the UN Resident Coordinator in Sierra Leone, about an ongoing scoping mission. This mission's primary objective is to bolster health security and emergency capacity for the successful implementation of the Emergency…

Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Sierra Leone’s determination to stem maternal and child mortality

WHO is coordinating with other UN agencies and partners to offer strategic support to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS)

Sierra Leone has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world, with 717 mothers dying annually for every 100 000 live births as of 2019 (DHS, 2019). One of the primary contributing factors is delayed first visits to health facilities by mothers-to-be. Provision of quality preconception, antenatal, intrapartum…

World Health Organization - Sierra Leone
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    • Sierra Leone steps up capacity for health emergencies and disaster preparedness
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Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Sierra Leone steps up capacity for health emergencies and disaster preparedness

Sierra Leone is the first country in West Africa, the second in Africa and the fifth globally to undertake the pilot of this review

The Government of Sierra Leone is this week holding a three-day Universal Health and Preparedness Review high-level meeting in the country’s capital, Freetown. The aim of the Universal Health and Preparedness Review is to establish high-level capacity for health emergency preparedness, based on the principles of universal health coverage and…

World Health Organization - Sierra Leone
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    • World Health Organization (WHO) Provides medical supplies to Bo Government Regional Hospital following mass casualty incident
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Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

World Health Organization (WHO) Provides medical supplies to Bo Government Regional Hospital following mass casualty incident

All the key speakers at the event expressed their appreciation to WHO for its timely response and continuous assistance in strengthening health service delivery in the country

The World Health Organization Country Office in Sierra Leone has swiftly responded to a call by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to replenish medical supplies at the Bo Government Regional Hospital following an emergency response by the hospital team to a mass casualty incident that depleted the routine stockpile…

World Health Organization - Sierra Leone
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    • Sierra Leone targets cervical cancer mortality by vaccinating girls
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Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Sierra Leone targets cervical cancer mortality by vaccinating girls

The HPV vaccine is given to girls at an early age to protect them before they are exposed to the disease

An age-old social belief that “what goes on under the cloth should remain under the cloth” is killing women in Sierra Leone. “People are dying in silence,” says Dr Desmond Maada Kangbai, the head of the country’s immunization services. He explains that most women affected by cervical cancer are not…

Source: World Health Organization - Sierra Leone |

Sierra Leone introduces Human Papilloma Virus vaccine to protect girls from cervical cancer

Globally, cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women with an estimated 266,000 deaths and 528,000 new cases each year

In a move to protect adolescent girls from cervical cancer, the Government of Sierra Leone today introduced the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine to the routine immunisation schedule and launched the start of a campaign to reach 153,991 girls with the vaccine. The introduction of HPV vaccine is one of the…