Source: Department of Basic Education: Republic of South Africa |

South Africa: Basic Education surpasses 93% milestone in eradicating pit toilets under Sanitation Appropriate for Education (SAFE) initiative

All efforts are being made to ensure that every learner in South Africa has access to safe and hygienic school sanitation

The Minister of Basic Education, Ms Siviwe Gwarube, today informed Parliament that the Sanitation Appropriate for Education (SAFE) initiative has now successfully eradicated over 93% of identified pit toilets in public schools across the country.  This significant milestone marks a critical step toward ensuring that all learners have access to…

Source: Department of Basic Education: Republic of South Africa |

South Africa: Basic Education Committee Delegation Visits Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) Schools for Readiness Inspection

The delegation visited five schools in the uThukela and uMzinyathi education districts over this period and engaged with several stakeholders in the education sector

A delegation of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education undertook a two-day oversight visit to schools in Kwa-Zulu Natal to assess their readiness for the 2024 academic year. The delegation visited five schools in the uThukela and uMzinyathi education districts over this period and engaged with several stakeholders in the…

Source: Department of Basic Education: Republic of South Africa |

Basic Education Notes Reports on South Africa’s School System Released by Centre for Development and Enterprise

The reports, authored by CDE research director Dr Stefan Schirmer and policy analyst Rehan Visser draws, have missed an opportunity to inform the readers about the developments in the basic sector

The Department of Basic Education has noted the recent set of reports on South Africa’s school system released by the Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE). The pervasive tone throughout the CDE reports is one of outrage and alarm, which runs a (foreseeable) risk that many readers would assume that the South…

Source: Department of Basic Education: Republic of South Africa |

South Africa: Basic Education bids farewell to youth placed in schools for Presidential Youth Employment Initiative

Phase III of the PYEI implemented in the Basic Education Sector as the Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI) concluded on 31 August 2022

Bidding farewell to the youth that were placed in schools for the presidential youth employment initiative in the basic education sector. Phase III of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) implemented in the Basic Education Sector as the Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI) concluded on 31 August 2022. At the end…

Source: Department of Basic Education: Republic of South Africa |

South Africa: Basic Education update on the review of the norms and standards for public school infrastructure delivery

The Department of Basic Education has conveyed its appreciation to all the organizations and individuals who submitted written comments as part of the review process

Basic Education Department update on the review of the norms and standards for public school infrastructure delivery The Department of Basic Education has conveyed its appreciation to all the organizations and individuals who submitted written comments as part of the review process of the Regulations Relating to the Minimum Norms…

Source: Department of Basic Education: Republic of South Africa |

South Africa: Basic Education on official ending of Phase III of The Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI)

Official ending of phase III of The Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) in the Basic Education Sector

Phase III of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) implemented in the Basic Education sector will conclude at the end of the month of August. The third phase started on 1 April 2022 and the qualifying youth were placed in more than 20 000 schools across the nine provinces. As…

Source: Department of Basic Education: Republic of South Africa |

Minister Angie Motshekga: Opening of schools for 2022 school year

Statement by the Minister of Basic Education, Mrs Angie Motshekga MP, at the media briefing on the opening of schools for 2022 school year

Good morning and thank you for your time. We welcome you to the first media briefing of the year, which happens just a day before schools reopen for the 2022 academic year.  Tomorrow (12 January 2022), the five (5) inland provinces will be receiving leaners from Grades R to Grade…

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