Vestergaard formalizes Tiny Targets commitment to support sleeping sickness elimination, signs Kigali Declaration on World Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Day


Tiny Targets are small screens of insecticidal fabric that are placed along local riverbanks and close to water sources to successfully attract and kill the tsetse flies that transmit sleeping sickness. Photo courtesy of Sophie Dunkley (1) (Source: Vestergaard Sàrl | 3 weeks ago)


Tiny Targets are small screens of insecticidal fabric that are placed along local riverbanks and close to water sources to successfully attract and kill the tsetse flies that transmit sleeping sickness. Photo courtesy of Sophie Dunkley (2) (Source: Vestergaard Sàrl | 3 weeks ago)


CEO Amar Ali and CFOO Nicolas Schornoz sign the Kigali Declaration (Source: Vestergaard Sàrl | 3 weeks ago)

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