Les Margaret Award 2020’s call for applications is launched: A business acceleration program to boost women entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in Europe & Africa


Delphine Remy-Boutang, CEO the Bureau & DWD, President of GEN France, Marlène Schiappa, Secretary of State in charge of equality between women and men and Lucie Basch, founder of Too Good To Go, Margaret Entrepreneur (Europe 2018). (Source: La Journée de la Femme Digitale | 5 years ago)


Delphine Remy-Boutang, CEO the Bureau & DWD, President of GEN France, Rebecca Enonchong, CEO Apps Tech (Margaret of honor 2019), Valérie Laugier, VP Digital & Innovation, Total Marketing & Services, Arielle Kitio, CEO Caysti (Margaret Africa 2019), Céline Mas, Chairperson of the Committee UN Women France, Julie Davico-Pahin, co-founder of Ombrea (Margaret Europe 2019) and Diariata N’Diaye, CEO App-Elles (special mention of the jury les Margaret 2019) (Source: La Journée de la Femme Digitale | 5 years ago)
