2,500 Kenyan fashion creators poised to enter global markets


17 April 2024, Nairobi, Kenya. Among those attending the EFI event at the Don Bosco Training Centre: Stephen Jackson, the United Nations Resident Coordinator for Kenya; Mercy Wanjau, Secretary to the Cabinet; Roberto Natali Ambassador of Italy; Susan Mang’eni, Principal Secretary in the State Department of Medium and Small Enterprises and Giovanni Grandi, Head of AICS Regional Office in Nairobi. Photo by ITC (Source: International Trade Centre | 2 months ago)


17 April 2024, Nairobi, Kenya. EFI Chief Technical Advisor Simone Cipriani served as master of ceremony for the EFI launch event at the Don Bosco Training Centre. Photo by ITC (Source: International Trade Centre | 2 months ago)


17 April 2024, Nairobi, Kenya. Project beneficiaries, Satubo Women Self-Help Group at the EFI launch event at the Don Bosco Training Centre. In 2007, the women of Satubo (referring to Samburu, Turkana and Borana ethnic groups) came together with a mission to promote peace through beadwork. What started as a community-building initiative has flourished into a thriving enterprise, thanks to solid investments and support from EFI. Today, with over 60 women of all ages, Satubo has transformed into a shareholder company this year. Photo by ITC (Source: International Trade Centre | 2 months ago)


17 April 2024, Nairobi, Kenya. Mercy Wanjau, Secretary to the Cabinet of the Republic of Kenya, gave an address at the EFI launch event at the Don Bosco Training Centre. Photo by ITC (Source: International Trade Centre | 2 months ago)


17 April 2024, Nairobi, Kenya. Susan Mang’eni, Principal Secretary in the State Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development, gave an address during the EFI launch event at Don Bosco Training Centre. Photo by ITC (Source: International Trade Centre | 2 months ago)
