Source: Embassy of France in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |

France supports projects against GBV implemented in SNNPR

Within this framework, the French Embassy’s gender programme for 2021-2023 is dedicated to fighting violence against women and girls in Ethiopia

Two of those projects are implemented by Ethiopian civil society organizations in Turmi and in Arba Minch

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, July 19, 2022/APO Group/ --

Since 2018, France has engaged in a long term strategy to support gender equality worldwide. Within this framework, the French Embassy’s gender programme for 2021-2023 is dedicated to fighting violence against women and girls in Ethiopia. France supports a total of 19 projects developed by Ethiopian NGOs against Gender based violence for a total funding of 850 000 euros (46, 7 millions of birrs) as part of the PISCCA programme. Two of those projects are implemented by Ethiopian civil society organizations in Turmi (Omo zone - SNNPR) and in Arba Minch (SNNPR).

In Turmi, the “Omo Morning Star Children (OMC)” association tries to raise awareness among the Hamer, Dassench, Kara and Arbore communities on harmful traditional practices, mainly the “Mingi” practice. The community recently renewed commitment in favor of an improved access of young girls to education as a way to improve understanding on the disruptive effects of harmful traditional practices (HTPs). The OMC Children Center hosts young girls of these minorities to protect them against HTPs, cover their daily needs and receive a proper education. In total 34 girls between the age of 7 and 12 years old are hosted in OMC’s shelter and have benefited from this programme since September 2021. During the conversation organized on June 30th in presence of the French Embassy team participants expressed the importance of allowing girls to access education, respecting women’s rights and sensitizing on gender based violence, including the ‘mingi’ practice, early marriage of girls and female genital mutilation.

In Arba Minch, the Ethiopian NGO Eurika “Women’s Healing & Empowerment Initiative (WHEI)” project. This initiative aims at providing a comprehensive response to GBV by protecting, rehabilitating and reintegrating survivors in a dedicated survivor-centered safe-home. The center provides medical and judiciary assistance as well as education. In addition, Eurika works together with networks of gender actors and on creating awareness through media and in schools.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Embassy of France in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.