UNICEF Madagascar
Source: UNICEF Madagascar |

Coronavirus: Madagascar Country Office - Covid-19 response

About 240,200 families have received a cash transfer of 100,000 Ariary (26 USD) to meet their basic needs under the first wave of cash distribution

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar, August 14, 2020/APO Group/ --


  • From May 17th to August 13th, 2020, the positive COVID-19 cases growth increased from 304 to 13,397 cases with 1.16 % of fatality rate in of 22 affected regions. Overall, the epidemic is taking a decreasing curve mostly lead by Analamanga region while Atsinanana seems out of risk. The regions are differently affected by the COVID-19, the majority are presenting the emergence of few daily new cases (less than 30) per day attracting our attention.

  • Health (provision of oxygen, tests, and equipment) and WASH (improving access to water) continue

  • About 240,200 families have received a cash transfer of 100,000 Ariary (26 USD) to meet their basic needs under the first wave of cash distribution, UNICEF coordinates the second wave of emergency social assistance in the most affected urban and peri-urban areas. Thus far, 82,000 households have received their cash transfer under the second cash distribution. Nevertheless, UNICEF’s appeal for emergency social protection support remains unfunded.

  • Since March 2020, 3,3 million people were reached and engaged on COVID-19 through RCCE actions focusing among others on Hand Washing (14 million in total for WASH Cluster partners), about 851,000 people were reached with critical wash supplies (including hygiene items) and services (2,5 million in total for WASH Cluster partners).

  • UNICEF continues to support the return to school and continuation of education services. Approximately 70 per cent of 99,300 disinfected classroom have been supported by UNICEF. In region where schools continue to operate, a high percentage of pupils come back to school.

  • In addition, UNICEF initiate “build back better” or reinforcement of traditional services strategies in all sector it is in charge of facilitating. 7,746,820 doses of vaccines have for example been disseminated to replace previous campaigns.

From May 17th to August 13th, 2020, the positive COVID-19 cases growth increased from 304 to 13,397 cases with 1.16 % of fatality rate in of 22 affected regions

Download Report: https://bit.ly/3aoMyiU

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of UNICEF Madagascar.

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