Coronavirus - Ethiopia
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed noted that all regions are preparing quarantine centers and their medical professionals,in the event of hastened spread
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed met with heads of the security sector to discuss on preparedness in relation to #COVID-19 containment. Considering the fast rate of spread globally and the increasing positive cases confirmed in Ethiopia,various sub-committees of the National MinisterialCommittee have been formed,including a security sub-committee. Followingin depth discussions held, Prime Minister Abiy announced the following additionalkey measures:
1. As of March 23, 2020, the security sector will begin to enforce measures taken by the MinisterialCommittee to cease large gatherings and maintain social distancing.
2. Government institutions, including political parties, to adhere to social distancing and preventative measures when convening meetings.
3. Government institutions to facilitate working from home options on a case by cases basis for some employees.
4. Public transporters to cease overcrowding,which will be monitored and enforced by traffic police and volunteers.
5. The National Defense Forces and Police to undertake internal preparations and get ready to undertake preventative tasks nationally.
Media to play a focused and critical role in raising prevention awareness at all levels
6. Continued measures to be taken against businesses illegally increasing prices on consumer goods.
7. Media to play a focused and critical role in raising prevention awareness at all levels.
8. The National Defense Forces to halt the movement of people along all borders, with the except ion of incoming essential goods to the country.
In addition,Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed noted that all regions are preparing quarantine centers and their medical professionals,in the event of hastened spread.
Furthermore, the Federal government has availed Birr 5 billion to undertake #COV ID-19 preparedness tasks.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Office of the Prime Minister, Ethiopia.