The 2016 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Awards: Honouring Women in Science Who Have the Power to Change the World

Professor Abdool Karim’s research has empowered women to help prevent HIV infection in Africa (Source: L'Oréal Group | 8 years ago)


Thanks to Professor Hualan CHEN's research, the world has been protected from pandemics through innovative vaccines (Source: L'Oréal Group | 8 years ago)


Professor Gamarnik’s research has the potential to control the spread of the disease (Source: L'Oréal Group | 8 years ago)


The gene editing technology developed by Professor Charpentier has the power to “rewrite” DNA (Source: L'Oréal Group | 8 years ago)


The gene editing technology developed by Professor Doudna has the power to “rewrite” DNA (Source: L'Oréal Group | 8 years ago)
